Starksil Group
Sales Outsourcing
– Do you want to sell Luxury / Premium products?
– Flood the market with it in 3-6-9 months (even at Energy-crisis / CoVID period)?
– Is it too expensive / time-consuming to recruit a sales team for it?
– Or your current sales team cannot make it?
Not only do we make salesforces prepared. We work in the trenches too.
– Important: Sales Outsourcing not equal to Call-center.
What we do:
– We only sell luxury / premium products.
– Within 3 months. Fulfilling the sales numbers you set.
– With Spec. sales techniques.
– With zero fixed fees / hidden costs.
– Commission based only.
– In Hungary only.
What we don’t do:
– We do not sell mass market products.
– We are not a call center. They work with conveyorbelt-type scripts, and read them out at machine gun speed. They know only a few important features of the product. They do not have deeper answers. They use a repetitive, robot-pilot sales strategy. (We work with customized, Spec. sales techniques. We get to know the product from A to Z.)
– We do not train / build / manage / support sales teams (in sales outsourcing).
– We do not waste your time. If we are unable to fulfil the sales numbers you set in 3 months, we will stop with no further claim.
– We do not ask for contractual exclusivity.
Why is this good for you?
1) If you want to find your spec. customers who can afford your products. And they want to buy now (Not later).
2) If you have had low sales of your current product so far. And this time you want massive results.
3) You pay only in case of successful sales. Commission only. No fixed costs.
4) Zero costs to upkeep an own sales team. (E.g. fixed wages, allowances, taxes, HR work, paid leave, cost of renting an office for your sales team, company cars, company phones, office equipments, technical-electric devices, electricity-water-gas supply fees, cleanup costs, security guard costs, pandemic protection)
5) Zero time / zero costs for recruitment / retention of workers.
6) Zero time / zero costs for education / training of workers.
Good now gets Better
Starksil Group